[TOMT] [TV COMMERCIAL] Sheba cat food commercial actress?
Jul 23, 2020 · Anybody know who the actress is in the Sheba cat food commercial where the woman is nuzzling her cat an offscreen her kid yells, “Mom, I fell.”
The Sheba Cat food commercial : r/CommercialsIHate - Reddit
Mar 28, 2020 · This is the worst comercial ever, whoever authorized this to be aired has to be sick, who in their right mind would ignore an injured child over a stupid cat, including the actress , How can she agree to film this, not even an animal would ignore their child in need of help, this comercial should be takenOFF THE AIR.
Sheba Cat Food Commercial : r/CommercialsIHate - Reddit
Jun 12, 2020 · First of all, the cat doesn't look real but I suppose it is. When the actress mother says, "Grab two", I thought she was wanting to give one to her cat. It's such a dumb unrealistic commercial, it didn't dawn on me to be offended. But I can certainly understand why people would be. I have a cat and this commercial doesn't make me want to buy Sheba.
Has anyone seen the cat food tv commercial where the mother
Yeah, I seen this commercial multiple times while I was in self quarantine. The commerical really gets under my skin. It's just a stupid commercial but it's taking it to a whole other level where they shouldn't have gone. This commercial basically promotes child neglect. Maybe this commercial will be banned soon.
Child Neglected with SHEBA : r/CommercialsIHate - Reddit
Oct 29, 2020 · It's a 30 second commercial; you're supposed to take it at face value, not analyze the fact that the kid is probably ok etc etc. That's why they added the "I'm bleeding!" part. Any sane person knows the answer to that, at a bare minimum is "ok come here and I'll have a look." Not "fuck you annoying kid, bleed, I'm with my cat."
Yo what the FUCK is that SHEBA ad? : r/CommercialsIHate - Reddit
Everytime I see this commercial I just feel like throwing the whole fucking TV out the goddamn window. I guess when she is in pain I'll just give her the same treatment she gave her poor, helpless child. People like that disgust me in this world. I hope Sheba apologizes and removes this utterly disgusting, hurtful, and terrible 'advertisement'.
Sheba Cat Food : r/CommercialsIHate - Reddit
Jan 11, 2021 · I searched for this sub just to post this! I HATE this commercial. "Mom, I got hurt!" "I don't care about you, my cat is more important." "I'm bleeding!" "Leave me alone, you're not important." How on earth is this commercial not banned? I don't understand why people aren't boycotting the brand because of this extremely distasteful commercial.
Sheeba cat food. Seems like a pretty bad mom. : …
May 16, 2020 · Just grab bigger and bigger bandaids cause I wanna let my cat sit on my should and make out with it. The worst part? There are people out there like this everywhere. They will actually admit they like their pets more than other humans. Imagine being so obsessed with your fucking cat you neglect your own injured child. What a commercial.
Sheba cat food mom : r/CommercialsIHate - Reddit
Jul 5, 2020 · The sheba cat food commercial with the mom who couldn't care less for her injured child is awful. Any mom who would not tend to her injured child before the cat is not a real mom..she is not a good example of a nurturing human being and an example of what is wrong with advertising!!
In your opinion what is the worst commerical ever? ... - Reddit
I thought that was the saddest commercial ever, until I saw some Jewish Federation commercial where they give food and money to decrepit old Jewish women from Eastern Europe. They had a Holocaust survivor from the Ukraine, who was 90 and had no home, crying. I have a now 3 month old and he'd be up odd hours.