The unchecked growth of Namibia’s seal population stems from quota holders focusing almost exclusively on harvesting bull seals for their genitals while neglecting the rest ...
Parliament has called for the urgent establishment of schools for children with special educational needs.A parliamentary committee investigation in the Kavango regions found ...
Twenty-four Namibian elephant rangers participating in the Kunene Elephant Walk arrived safely in Swakopmund on Friday after completing a 362-kilometre trek from Windhoek to ...
Gendev Group workers held a peaceful demonstration in Walvis Bay on Monday highlighting several grievances, such as alleged unpaid housing allowances, changes to their ...
Namibia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NCCI) economist Gabriel Erastus has urged Hyphen Hydrogen Energy to consider local capacity when drafting procurement requirements ...
Swakopmund residents have raised concerns following a recent notice from The Salt Company, which officially “ceased all recreational activities on its property and mining ...
The government of Japan, in partnership with the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) and the agriculture ministry, recently outlined a one-year ...
As Namibia celebrates 35 years of independence, Synergi has launched the 35 Ways of Paying It Forward campaign – honouring our late founding president, Dr Sam Nujoma and making ...
Livestock theft is rampant in Namibia, posing significant economic, social and security challenges for rural communities and the agricultural sector. However, efforts to ...
Namibia Chess Federation’s (NCF) annual Bank Windhoek National Junior Open Chess Championships were hosted last weekend at Windhoek Gymnasium. The competition aimed to choose ...
After an exhilarating 37 weeks of intense sports predictions, the Sports Wrap Prediction Challenge has officially come to an end, with Maria Michael, known by her WhatsApp ...