Dr. Wangensteen engages in research collaborations with other Mayo Clinic investigators: ...
Read a report from the Science of Quality Measurement Program in the Mayo Clinic Kern Center on how many people in the U.S. live near high-quality healthcare.
Mayo Clinic's Department of Artificial Intelligence and Informatics includes clinical and research faculty, as well as operational staff who engage in the use of informatics and digital technology to ...
Mayo Clinic's Precision Mouse Engineering Core in Minnesota produces CRISPR/Cas9-mediated knockout and point mutant mice for researchers.
Mayo Clinic's Precision Mouse Engineering Core in Minnesota makes embryonic stem (ES) cell-based gene-targeted mice available to researchers.
Mayo Clinic's Precision Mouse Engineering Core in Minnesota can construct gene-targeted vectors for mice to assist researchers.
Pharmacogenomics is the study of how your genes affect your body's response to medicines. Your body has thousands of genes that you inherited from your parents. Genes determine which traits you have, ...
Describes the nature of a clinical study. Types include: Observational study — observes people and measures outcomes without affecting results. Interventional study (clinical trial) — studies new ...
John B. Gebhart, M.D., has a research interest in benign pelvic surgery with an emphasis on reconstructive pelvic surgery. See the peer-reviewed findings I have published as a result of my research.
Teaching and inspiring students and trainees to improve every aspect of medicine and research. Explore our 400+ programs.
The mission of the CT Clinical Innovation Center at Mayo Clinic is to facilitate high-impact imaging innovations that translate directly into patient care. Our center develops and evaluates new ...
Our investigators have made many novel and important contributions to PKD research, backed by state-of-the-art technical resources and services, including imaging analysis, model systems and genetic ...