Kenya’s President H.E. William Samoei Ruto has conferred the country’s highest honour, Chief of the Order of the Golden Heart CGH, on the President of the African Development Bank Group, Dr Akinwumi ...
Established in 1964, the African Development Bank is the premier pan-African development institution, promoting economic growth and social progress across the continent. There are 81 member states, ...
13-Mar-2025 PPM - RCA - Projet d’Appui au Développement des Filières Porteuses et Promotion de l’Entreprenariat des Jeunes et des Femmes dans l’Agribusiness (simplifié) - PADFP-PEJA 12-Mar-2025 AMI - ...
The African Development Bank (AfDB) seeks to engage the services of an experienced Seed Systems Specialist to assist the AfDB, CIMMYT and the governments of Scaling Climate Resilient Maize and Soybean ...
Established in 1964, the African Development Bank is the premier pan-African development institution, promoting economic growth and social progress across the continent. There are 81 member states, ...
Accueil / Actualités et événements / Transformer la région du bassin du Zambèze : une vision audacieuse pour le développement durable et la résilience climatique Sections connexes ...
Les services prévus au titre de cette mission comprennent : L’appui aux opérations dans les trois pays francophones de la région Est (Burundi, Comores et Djibouti) ; Le renforcement de capacité des ...
The African Development Bank provides various RSS feeds to help you stay informed about our activities, opportunities, and initiatives. Subscribe to any of our feeds to receive automatic updates when ...
Established in 1964, the African Development Bank (AfDB) is the premier pan-African development institution, promoting economic growth and social progress across the continent. There are 81 member ...
Créée en 1964, la Banque africaine de développement (BAD) est la première institution panafricaine de développement qui Å“uvre pour la croissance économique et le progrès social en Afrique. Elle compte ...
The Desert to Power (DtP) Initiative aims to accelerate economic development in the Sahel region by deploying solar technologies at scale. Specifically, DtP proposes to deliver electricity to 160 ...
The Corporate Information Technology Services department (TCIS) is implementing a set of key strategic programs for enabling and proving capability to the business. As a result, the projects under ...