Omni Federal, Colorado Springs, Colorado, and St. Louis, Missouri, has named Collin Lee as chief innovation officer.
The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, led by Vice Adm. Frank Whitworth, USN, is employing even more artificial intelligence (AI) in the collection and analysis of geospatial intelligence ...
Rear Adm. Michael C. Manazir, USN, will be assigned as director, Air Warfare Division, N98, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, Washington, D.C.
EXPLAIN YOUR CURRENT JOB ROLE: I am a mechanical design engineer for an HVAC construction company. We design systems for heating, cooling, ventilating and conditioning the air in buildings. Our ...
The U.S. Air Force’s 67th Cyberspace Wing has been busy. The wing operationally acts as the execution arm of Air Forces Cyber, performing comprehensive cyber operations on a service and nation level.
Project Convergence is a U.S. Army campaign of learning to aggressively pursue a battlefield management system enabled by artificial intelligence and machine learning. Because whoever can see, ...
Maj. Gen. Patrick J. Donahue II, USA, has been nominated for appointment to the rank of lieutenant general and assignment as deputy commanding general/chief of staff, U.S. Army Forces Command, Fort ...
EXPLAIN YOUR CURRENT JOB ROLE: I work at Boeing, a company that makes airplanes. I've got a team of 10 people, and we work on the fuel systems for several different airplane models. Just like a car ...