We will develop an overview of the wider consequences of digital media - for our senses of selfhood, subjectivity and identity, as well as society more generally (including its cultural and political ...
Introduksjon av prosjektarbeid, veiledere, omfang og forventninger. Felles midtveispresentasjon og vurdering av hverandres prosjektarbeid. Avsluttende presentasjon med tilbakemelding og innlevering av ...
The course provides an overview of theories of oligopolistic markets and teaches the students how to analyse and apply the major (game theoretic) models of strategic interaction in imperfectly ...
This is the compulsory course in econometrics. It builds on the bachelor’s level course in statistics and is the starting point for advanced econometrics. In this course you will become familiar with ...
This course introduces anthropological perspectives on health, illness and medicine, and explores the interactions between biology, society and culture. It aims to present a contextual and comparative ...
The course gives a basic introduction to probability calculus and the use of probability models to describe stochastic variables and processes. The course also provides an introduction to statistical ...
Studenter må hvert semester søke og få plass på undervisningen og melde seg til eksamen i Studentweb. Dersom du ikke allerede har studieplass ved UiO, kan du søke opptak til våre studieprogrammer, ...
This course addresses different ways of thinking about the relationship between development and human rights, and addresses critical contemporary issues as global and local poverty, national and ...
Explore the world of reflection-seismic data. This course is designed to equip you with both theoretical knowledge and practical skills. We begin by reviewing the basic principles of the seismic ...
Inntil 4 timer forelesning (to dobbeltimer) per uke. Det kreves gjennomføring og godkjenning av en større prosjektoppgave i gruppe, samt innlevering av obligatoriske oppgaver som må godkjennes for å ...
Gjeldende opptakskrav til det 5-årige masterprogrammet i farmasi. Helse, miljø og sikkerhet (HMS): Det er obligatorisk sikkerhetsopplæring i begynnelsen av 1. semester. For studenter som starter opp ...
This course is about database systems, focusing on relational databases. It covers advanced use of such systems, including advanced SQL, SQL query optimization, and use of indexes. The course also ...