As of Sept. 1, nine First Nations in Atlantic Canada have yet to submit their financial audit to AANDC./Photo by Stephen Brake Nine First Nations in Atlantic Canada have missed the July 31 deadline to ...
Rose Basque recalls when her late husband, William Basque, wrote the poem, Sma’knis, back in 1992. She said he had trouble going to sleep one night. “He said, ‘Oh my God. My mind is going really fast.
Glen Gould, left, and Justin Rain star in film, North Mountain. The film was written and directed by Indigenous filmmaker Bretten Hannam/Photo contributed An award-winning film by a Nova Scotia ...
Sipekne'katik fishermen Lance Bernard, left, and David Balfour haul lobster traps from St. Mary's Bay on Sept. 25, 2020/Photo by Stephen Brake The Sipekne’katik First Nation is suing the Nova Scotia ...
Lawyer Michael McDonald, left, with Mi'kmaw fishermen Logan Pierro-Howe, Leon Knockwood and James Nevin outside of the courthouse in Digby, N.S., on Sept. 1, 2022/Photo by Stephen Brake A trial ...
A sentencing cirlcle was held for Zachery Nicholas, left, and his father, William Nicholas, in Pictou Landing First Nation, N.S. on Dec. 8, 2023/Photo by Stephen Brake Two Mi’kmaw fishermen from the ... is the only independent news website that covers Indigenous news in Atlantic Canada. We rely on monthly subscriptions in order to provide news coverage ...
Mi’kmaq and Wolastoqey leaders are celebrating Susan Holt’s victory in the New Brunswick provincial election on Oct. 21. After showing support during the Liberals ...
First Nations in New Brunswick are calling out parties in the general election to address racial discrimination within the justice system once elected. Mi’kmaq, Wolastoqey, and Peskotomukati chiefs ...
With just a few days left to determine the tight provincial elections race in New Brunswick, First Nations communities cast their ballots with one common demand: a government open to dialogue. As ...
Three Indigenous groups in New Brunswick have launched separate legal actions against the provincial and federal governments. The Mi’kmaq and Wolastoqey First Nations are pursuing a title case and ...