Brother Gabriel W. Reid, counselor in the Sunday School General Presidency, encouraged students to "go, work and build" as ...
In his Tuesday morning devotional at the Marriott Center, Brother Gabriel W. Reid spoke about trusting God's plan and ...
Brother Gabriel W. Reid, second counselor in the Sunday School general presidency, spoke during a BYU devotional on Tuesday, ...
As we prepare this Lenten season, let us walk through whatever wilderness we travel, knowing that Jesus walks with us, sure ...
Conveying his special closeness with those who are sick and fragile, the 88-year-old Pontiff said they, too, can be witnesses ...
Our society does not yet offer equal opportunity to all. And the timeline of justice on earth does not always move at the ...
After Justin Trudeau offers his resignation with Governor General Mary Simon, Mark Carney is set to be sworn in as Canada's ...
In order to pray BOLD prayers, you’ve got to be willing to ask God to search you, break you and send you. It’s in those times ...
Thank you very much for that very kind introduction. And you know, I look around as I walk through ... And that is what we have, and you have tried to do so faithfully and have succeeded so ...
With the leak of Triumphant Light, its next expansion, it has continued to attract the attention of fans of the brand, and no wonder: Arceus, the creator Pokémon, is the main protagonist of the ...