UB's Venture Capital & Private Equity Club educates students on investing, fostering Buffalo's tech ecosystem and connecting talent to opportunities.
The brick building with its bold blue trim and buffalo logo isn’t trying to be fancy – it’s promising something better: authenticity. This is a place that knows exactly what it is – a temple dedicated ...
The University at Buffalo (UB, university) recognizes that many of its activities ... or event does not automatically give the corporate entity the right to use university trademarks, names, or logos.
The University at Buffalo allows for the use of State, University at Buffalo Foundation, Inc., and Research Foundation funds for the payment of reasonable and appropriate expenses incurred while ...
The University at Buffalo (UB, university) is committed to collecting, handling, storing, and using university data properly and securely. This policy establishes a framework of safeguards to: Protect ...
The University at Buffalo (UB, university) recognizes that adverse weather conditions, including winter weather, can impact university operations. The safety of students, employees, visitors, and ...
Laura E. Hubbard was named vice president for finance and administration at the University at Buffalo effective February 27, 2012. Laura is responsible for oversight of strategic financial planning, ...
(WDRB) -- A Kentucky distillery is cleaning up after a mudslide early Monday. A spokesperson for Buffalo Trace said the weather-related mudslide happened on the northeast side of the distillery ...
The University at Buffalo (UB, university) has a significant investment in assets and is committed to recording, maintaining, and safeguarding these assets against loss. Asset Management is ...
While this issue of At Buffalo is dedicated to food, we can’t ignore the significant number of people— around the world and in our own backyards—who go without. This X-ray, taken in 1982 at Erie ...
He returned home to Buffalo to attend medical school at the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at the University at Buffalo. In medical school, he served as president of the ...
Visit ERAS to see which documents you’re required to submit during the application process. Please be sure to include “Why Buffalo” in your personal statement. Growing up, I was not exposed to ...