In the microscopic world of bacteria, gene transfer is a powerful mechanism that can alter cellular function, drive antibiotic resistance and even shape entire ecosystems.
Researchers analyzed 100 top TikTok videos on menstrual cycle syncing, finding that most lacked scientific credibility, with ...
An open letter of over 400 Hollywood professionals opposed proposals by OpenAI and Google to offer fair use exemptions around ...
The Environmental Protection Agency plans to eliminate its scientific research team and could fire more than 1,000 scientists ...
Louisiana Tech University researchers Dr. Shengnian Wang and Dr. Lingxiao Wang were recently awarded a combined $275,000 ...
While climate adaptation decisions are not simple, reinforcement learning is a highly efficient system for incorporating ...
Companies spend millions developing logos to represent a brand. Some of them have hidden meanings steeped in the history and mission behind the product.
A new part of an ocean plant cell has been discovered that might revolutionize farming one day. The structure can take ...
New insights from the Atacama Cosmology Telescope offer unprecedented images of the universe at 380,000 years old, revealing ...
Legislation's sponsor claims it will prevent espionage, but there are warnings it will harm US competitiveness ...
The “authoritative” style — holding a child to high and firm expectations while still nurturing the relationship — is widely ...
By Steve Gibb Frustrated by liars? Tired of how much misinformation spreads from podcaster bros, influencers and dubious sources? Wondering ...