Discover 10 Nobel Prize-winning books that belong on your shelf. These masterpieces offer powerful storytelling, deep themes, ...
The new documentary “American Agitators” looks at the life and legacy of Fred Ross Sr., one of the most influential community ...
Davis gained celebrity in 1969 when the UC Regents, headed by then-governor Ronald Reagan, fired her as a UCLA philosophy ...
American astronomy thrives today largely because of the underpinnings achieved by John Quincy Adams in his far-reaching ...
Against the radical, if reactionary, experiment run from the White House, everyone from Democratic leaders in Congress to ...
From the Middle Ages to Rousseau to the Industrial Revolution to Trotsky, historian Ralph Raico provides a refreshing ...
We remember Russell for his 11 titles, but the world remembers him for what he did to support the struggle for civil rights.
Today’s Christian nationalists have shaped their theology in ways that harken to apocalyptic prophets of the1530s.
The phrase appeared on thousands of pages unrelated to Jane Austen before and during her life – and was a favorite phrase of ...
Prologue An Orphic hymn says that Kypris, Aphrodite of Cyprus, was the “scheming mother of necessity.” She controlled and ...
Trump told Martin that he didn’t want to hurt Ireland; he loves the place. The Irish leader departed for a series of ...
The Second Amendment is not merely a constitutional guarantee but a sacred trust that fuses self-defense with the stewardship ...