Graffiti, an art form that began in the urban streets of New York City in the late 20th century, has blossomed into one of ...
West Belfast MLA Gerry Carroll has said he will “not be deterred nor bullied by a pathetic minority” after graffiti appeared ...
Committed to launching new and fresh initiatives, Benalmadena is establishing itself as a multicultural hub and an ...
Four University graduate students showcased their original written works at Gallery Art Bar on Wednesday evening.
The appropriately named exhibit “KAWS: Family” officially opens to the public on Saturday (March 15) at Crystal Bridges ...
Lily Kip, who's finishing up her master of fine arts degree in painting, won a cash grant to continue this direction after she finishes school.
The magazine, which will be taken over by graffiti artist 10Foot, will also feature an Irish language poem from rappers Kneecap.
Mike Steinberg, a film fan who built the nonprofit Roxy Theater into a year-round independent cinema, has stepped down as ...
Tallinn-dwellers cannot but help having observed an unusual graffiti tag which has graced walls, fences, buildings, and ...
ACT senator Katy Gallagher recently slammed the Liberal Party's ACT federal candidates for suggesting that the Coalition's ...
With the stealth of an alley cat, the artist behind the message left their work for thousands to see and nary a clue to his ...
We’d like to believe that aging Guns N’ Roses (GnR) rockers Axl Rose and Slash were humming “Take me down to the paradise ...