Late-night travel through the Auburn Valley this week will have full closures and lane restrictions on State Route 167 (SR ...
SH25 Hikuai: Work to replace a culvert at Boom Stream Bridge is underway. This will involve shoulder closures and a temporary ...
The Beech Island Historical Society will meet at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 18, at the society's history and visitor's center, ...
Believe it or not, UL’s month-long road trip still isn’t over. Before enjoying the home Sun Belt opener against ULM this ...
A collaborative cleanup effort by the Idaho Department of Lands and an Ada County Sheriff’s work detail has restored a ...
VDOT has updated its schedule for road work and maintenance that will be ongoing during the week of March 17-21.
Chalk Art Event: Students in grades six through 12 can contribute their artistic talents to a chalk art mural in the ...
If we aren’t allowed to treat most of the properties in the infested areas, it is only a matter of time before it is too late ...
Drivewyze by Fleetworthy adds five states to its Smart Roadways program, including the Tennessee Department of Transportation ...
The Knoxville City Council will discuss pedestrian improvements and a new greenway project. Plus, the council's rules ...
In another development, some locals were surprised to wake up to find new double yellow lines outside their homes. The lines, ...
Over the years, Pennsylvania’s been a hub for eye-catching license plates honoring everything from river otters to D.A.R.E to ...