Our research shapes and changes the world around us, providing solutions to real-world problems and informing the education we deliver. Our students are a key part of the research we conduct, ...
Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside is facing a crisis as the number of emergency drop-in spaces for women experiencing homelessness, addiction and gender-based violence dwindles due to chronic ...
Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside is facing a crisis as the number of emergency drop-in spaces for women experiencing homelessness, addiction and gender-based violence dwindles due to chronic underfunding ...
The Inner Harbour is Victoria's primary tourist draw. The busy harbor – home to sailboats, yachts, floatplanes and whale watching Zodiacs – is framed by wide pedestrian streets and, in the ...
Figures may not sum to 100% due to rounding. Explore charts about: Explore charts about: Search by region, state, or metro area Recommended citation: Pew Research Center. 2025. “2023-24 U.S. Religious ...
More links include “For the record: Bob Rennie’s 2016 address to development industry (UDI) 2-June-2016” on CityHallWatch, “5 Iconic Buildings in Downtown Vancouver” on Rennie.com, ...
It's not always easy to take the measure of a market, whether you've been trading for a day or a decade. On this segment we look under the hood—options probabilities, volatility, trading strategies, ...
The City of Vancouver spends an estimated $46.7 million per year in the Downtown Eastside on operating costs related to efforts to ameliorate the impacts of homelessness, and help people living ...
For example, a University of B.C.-led study of the homeless in Vancouver, Toronto and Ottawa found between 17 and 19 per cent of participants reported suffering a brain injury. But the research ...
The City of Vancouver spends $10.8 million per year to fund some of Vancouver Fire Rescue Services’ work in the Downtown Eastside, including responding to overdose and fire calls associated with ...