THE BUZZ: PAINT THE TOWN RED — New California GOP Chair Corrin Rankin was elected to her new post easily on Sunday and began ...
ActBlue is a not-for-profit payment processor used by Democratic political campaigns at all levels of government and ...
Major entertainment companies meet with a U.S. congressman, who describes the prospect of piracy site-blocking measures as "not if, but when." ...
President Donald Trump is giving priority attention to shaking up intelligence agencies. New Director of National ...
Can a single judge unilaterally thwart the president of the United States? That’s the contentious question the Trump ...
The federal lawsuit argues that counting vote-by-mail ballots that arrive up to seven days after Election Day violates ...
In late October 2024, a three-judge panel of the U.S. appeals court based in New Orleans said it was illegal for states to ...
U.S. Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Bonsall, sued California on Thursday in an attempt to block the state from counting future mail-in ...
A California congressman accuses the state of violating federal election laws by allowing mail-in votes to be received and ...
The Trump administration is closely scrutinizing the legal industry: Find all our ongoing coverage here.