A Connecticut woman smashed into two cop cars, a gas pump and a guardrail before fleeing on foot during a wild police chase ...
A 26-year-old uniformed officer was walking to his car on the corner of W. 13th St and Seventh Ave. in the West Village when ...
One person was shot mid-afternoon on Tuesday in west Charlotte, MEDIC said. The shooting happened at West Tyvola Road and ...
Police have arrested a man who claimed that he forgot he had tethered a dog to his vehicle before taking off and driving in ...
DALLAS — The annual NCA All-Star National Championship resumed Sunday, a day after police said a fight among parents led to panic in Downtown Dallas at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center.
"They ranged in severity from bumps and bruises to extremity fractures." The Dallas Police Department confirmed that there was no active shooter and no shooting had taken place. The incident ...
The Dallas Police Department responded to an “incident” at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center around 1 p.m. local time and determined no shooting had occurred. According to a DPD ...