Attorney Angus Lee argues that the Clark County Council lacks legal authority to remove Michelle Belkot from the C-TRAN Board ...
Clark County has one of the few court-affiliated programs in the nation to support people throughout the eviction process.
Battle Ground City Council approved a resolution stating they opposed any extension of light rail into Clark County that is part of the IBR project.
The Vancouver Housing Authority wants jurisdictions in Clark County to agree to blanket approval of its housing projects ...
While specifics vary from agency to agency, this wave of rehiring is reportedly unfolding locally at the U.S. Army Corps of ...
Two women from Washington state are looking for love on the third season of "Farmer Wants a Wife," which premieres March 20 on Fox.
WAGOP Chairman Jim Walsh calls for an audit of Washington’s Motor Voter Law and fights for fair elections through House Joint ...
Washington state's lawsuit against Adams County highlights violations of the Keep Washington Working Act and immigration ...
Religious leaders, scholars and diplomats have gathered at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana for a conference on ...
The Clark County Sheriff’s Office has a new tool to stop fleeing drivers on Southwest Washington’s roadways.The Grappler Bumper, which attaches to the front of ...
The troopers found 11 grams of ketamine powder in the car, and in the trunk they discovered trash bags filled with about 160 ...
Troopers seized nearly $1 million in drugs during a traffic stop in Clark County last month, authorities said.