Explore how vacant lots in Seattle and Auburn are overtaken by homeless drug addicts and the dealers exploiting them.
The members work to create a constant presence in the neighborhood by working 'every street and alley' in Little Saigon. They hope that presence will lead to trusting relationships and eventually help ...
Community members in Little Saigon are grappling with the despairing effects of crime, public drug use, shuttered storefronts ...
Seattle's Hoa Mai Park temporarily closes due to increasing drug activity, impacting the community's hopes for a green space.
In 2022, I wrote to protest as the King County Department of Community and Human Services planned to spend $66.5 million to construct a 24/7 homeless shelter that will house more than 500 people in ...
Eight months after Hoa Mai Park opened, Seattle Parks and Recreation temporarily fenced it off after complaints from ...
Some people find their passion and follow it throughout their lives. From the International Red Cross, to the Rotary, to a ...
She has also been involved in multi-media projects about homelessness advocacy ... “She Marches in Chinatown.” "Like most people in Seattle, you see them, you admire them, but you don't ...