Jay Delsing hails from St. Louis, Missouri. While his father played Major League baseball, Jay had a different kind of long drive in mind. Delsing received a coveted golf scholarship from UCLA where ...
Jay and Dan talk it over with Jason Gore, the Executive Vice President and Chief Player Officer of the PGA Tour. Also,... We have Bob Harig, author and writer for Sports Illustrated and Emma Corbet ...
How many Broadway shows has Susan Cella been in? Susan Cella has appeared on Broadway in 6 shows. How many West End shows has Susan Cella been in? Susan Cella has not appeared in the West End.
Louis Cella, the fourth-generation owner and president of Oaklawn Park, shared lessons in December in his keynote address to the Global Symposium on Racing, hosted by the University of Arizona's ...
“Golf With Jay Delsing” features a visit with Ed Schwent, teaching professional, at Old Hickory Golf Club. Also, Mike Leech, director of operations of the Valley, will be a part of the show. As always ...
“Golf With Jay Delsing” will feature a father-son combination (Mike and Larry Suhre) who own and run Oak Brook Golf Club, in Edwardsville, Illinois. Also, Mike has led the region and country in PGA Jr ...