Tesla is set to unveil a more affordable vehicle in the first half of 2025. Details are scarce, but new reports say it could ...
Dukungan tak terduga Trump terhadap raksasa kendaraan listrik (EV) itu muncul setelah kritik berbulan-bulan atas keterlibatan ...
JAKARTA - Harta kekayaan Elon Musk setelah duitnya hilang Rp473 triliun dalam semalam. Kekayaan Elon Musk merosot sebanyak ...
A Tesla Inc. shareholder suit alleging the automaker’s leadership fostered a “toxic workplace culture” is dismissed with ...
The degree to which Donald Trump and Elon Musk’s interests are intertwined is unprecedented—and ultimately unsustainable.
The South Africa-born billionaire once suffered the largest loss of a personal fortune in history, according to Guinness World Records. He has since recouped that money and more.
Pemilik Tesla di Amerika dan Eropa mengubah tampilan kendaraan listrik mereka guna menjauhkan diri dari kontroversi yang melibatkan Elon Musk ...
Elon Musk, the company’s chief executive, is fast losing out to Chinese electric carmakers in Tesla’s second-most-important ...
Miliarder dan pengusaha Amerika Elon Musk, yang memiliki Tesla dan SpaceX, kehilangan D29 miliar dalam semalam setelah saham ...
This suggests that a reaction from consumers who dislike Mr Musk’s antics are only one reason for falling sales. An updated ...
Secondary market investors have sent the collective valuation of four of Musk’s private entities up 45% since the US election ...
Elon Musk menghadapi tantangan besar di Tesla, dengan nilai saham merosot 50% akibat keterlibatan politik dan kompetisi. Ia ...