Turns out, her boyfriend has a secret Instagram profile where he looks at attractive women. Is this a big deal? Is it ...
"For Love & Money" answers your relationship and money questions. This week, a reader asks how to explain to their mom that ...
Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips.
DEAR CHALLENGED: I am sorry about your frightening diagnosis. Please do not leave the people who love you hanging. Your ...
He treats me well. My children adore him. My ONLY hang-up is that because he hasn’t dated for more than 20 years, he isn’t ...
Will's feelings for Mike were confirmed in Stranger Things S4, setting up the potential for a romantic relationship. Mike's ...
It was June 1968. Beverly was a 23-year-old Canadian university librarian on vacation in Mazatlan, Mexico, with a good friend in tow. Beverly had arrived in Mazatlan that morning. She’d been blown ...
With access to a unique archive of personal letters, this documentary brings the love story of Napoleon to life. The unpublished love letters Napoleon wrote to Josephine shed new light on Napoleon ...
The man I’m dating is old-fashioned and unable to stop questioning me and bringing up the names of the people I was in relationships with before. He is in counseling. Time goes by but my exes are ...
As they broke through the floor, they unearthed a bundle of approximately 14 letters. To their astonishment, the bundle dated back a century and contained love letters. Concealed within the floor, ...
except this one’s with a boyfriend doomscrolling his way into paranoia. Lay it out: “I love you, but I don’t love what this is doing to you or to us.” Let him know that his nonstop ...