Cloakwork's murals aren't just limited to Malaysia — his art has made its mark in cities worldwide. A recent highlight was ...
Tallinn-dwellers cannot but help having observed an unusual graffiti tag which has graced walls, fences, buildings, and ...
Committed to launching new and fresh initiatives, Benalmadena is establishing itself as a multicultural hub and an ...
The Art Wall, on Valencia Street between 23rd and 24th streets, has been a part of the Mission District art and graffiti scene since Bruce Tomb purchased the old police station in a city auction in ...
Whether you're gallery-hopping or just soaking in the creative energy on the streets, these art-inspired cities are a ...
A vacant lot in southeastern Paris has become a hub for graffiti artists from France and the world thanks to an initiative by ...
Today, graffiti artists are not just limited to street corners; they are painting live at high-profile events, creating murals for films, and even taking their work to prestigious art spaces.
Christchurch was once known as "the most English city outside of England" but a lot has changed in the 14 years since the ...
With the stealth of an alley cat, the artist behind the message left their work for thousands to see and nary a clue to his ...
Santa Ana is home to the most public art in the county, while Brea has the oldest Art in Public Places program, dating back ...