The Western Region Tribute Dinner will honor Dr. Anita Friedman and David Wiener, a Holocaust survivor, with the Museum's ...
Gareth Edwards in The Crazy Ones I have vivid memories of my family's first computer: a blocky Commodore 64 parked in a corner of our basement, its cursor blinking on a royal blue screen. It was just ...
Purim is a hopeful and mysterious time of victory over our enemies, and there is something triumphant about how Abeles captures the people in her photographs, like a young girl in a lavender dress who ...
Born in 1926 in Druskieniki, in what was then Poland, Marian endured the unimaginable suffering of the Łódź Ghetto, the deportation to Auschwitz-Birkenau, and the brutal Death March before surviving ...
The project, which features film, photography and oral narratives, was inspired by Starobin’s 2019 visit to Łódź, Poland, where her relatives lived in a ghetto until their deportation to ...
Czy ten artykuł był ciekawy? Podziel się nim! Czwarty sezon "Farmy" wzbudza ogromne zainteresowanie. Jedną z gwiazd programu jest Wioletta Radzanowska, która niemal od razu udowodniła, że ...
"Turski was born in 1926 in Druskieniki, in what was then Poland, he endured the unimaginable suffering of the Łódź Ghetto, the deportation to Auschwitz-Birkenau, and the brutal Death March ...