At the end of February, the Dermatology Service once again had its own operating program for its patients, thus making the most of the operating rooms at Hospital Terras do Infante (HTI), in Lagos..
After the Algarve recorded “historical data” in 2023 in terms of tourism activity and surpassed these same results in 2024, this year, the Algarve Tourism Region (RTA) hopes to be able to celebrate ...
The Kartódromo Internacional do Algarve, in Portimão, will host the first stage of the Rotax Portugal Championship on Saturday and Sunday, March 15th and 16th. With almost a hundred entrants divided ...
Until the end of the month, citizens from several locations in the municipality of Castro Marim will participate in awareness sessions on forest and rural fires. These actions, which started in ...
Women, immigrants and young people are among the groups of workers who receive the highest minimum wage and by sector this is most prevalent in the hotel and construction industries, according to a ...
The Alentejo (and Ribatejo) region, which this year is BTL’s National Guest Destination – Better Tourism Lisbon Travel Market, has a lot to show, taking into account the diversity of its tourist offer ...
The GNR territorial post in Loulé was searched by inspectors from the Military Judicial Police on Wednesday, March 12.. The focus will have been the criminal investigation nucleus, where, according to ...
Schools, institutions and companies will present their training and professional offerings at another edition of the Start Work fair, which will take place at Portimão Arena on 20 and 21 March. Start ...
Did you know that Maria Teresa Horta and Maria Velho da Costa, two of the “Three Marias”, had Algarve ancestry and connections to Faro? This is what a study by Nuno Campos Inácio shows, which will be ...
Mértola recebeu a visita de Fernando Alfaiate, presidente da Estrutura de Missão Recuperar Portugal, responsável pela gestão ...
O sol e o calor que se fazem sentir são a perfeita antítese do que têm sido os últimos dias. As conversas giram todas à volta do mesmo. «Há sete anos que não tínhamos Inverno», ouve-se. Outro grupo de ...
As três décadas de existência da AHETA – Associação dos Hotéis e Empreendimentos Turísticos do Algarve vão ser assinaladas, ao longo de 2025, com iniciativas comemorativas. A primeira é já no dia 29 d ...