A payroll tax liability-responsibility shift from umbrellas to agencies dangerously throws the baby out with the bathwater. It must be stopped.
Although still in the red, freelance tech hiring shows ‘improvements,’ finely balanced on next Wednesday’s Spring Statement 2025.
Three ‘umbrella company’ articles in a row on ContractorUK go some way to showing just how significant changes for umbrella companies and their users might be. But umbrella contractors aren’t the only ...
Although the words ‘scarcity’ and ‘shortage’ can have negative connotations in many walks of life, for a canny IT contractor these are the adjectives for market conditions sent from heaven, writes ...
Amid a growing consensus that it’s not “relatively clear” whether consultancies are caught by April’s IR35 changes, but that it’s actually a grey area populated by talk of ‘deliverables’ and ‘public ...
The last chance for contractors to object directly to the taxman about his already much-criticised IR35 proposals for the public sector has passed, but your local MP is waiting to hear from you, ...
No changes. Marked changes. Changes being made right now. That’s the three-fold, somewhat paradoxical story of the public sector for IT contractors and it’s a story you can’t afford to miss, writes ...
‘Private sector IR35 reform.’ Say it enough times – or see it written enough times – and you actually to start to believe it’s a government policy. Let’s look at in enforceable, legislative terms. If ...
The key contents of the average umbrella company worker’s payslip have changed in recent years and it’s vitally important that contractors understand that what was once is now no more, writes Matt ...
For part one of a three-part series exploring the recruitment sector’s view of April’s off-payroll rules and their reform to IR35, ContractorUK quizzed Tim Jacob, commercial director of Rethink Group ...
To recap, from April 6 th 2017 finance costs will no longer be a tax-deductible expense for any individual buy-to-let investor; novice or serial. Instead, people who own a property for investment, ...