Greenville police say they are investigating a Tuesday afternoon shooting at Hunt Regional Medical Center that inured a child and caused the hospital to be locked don for a short ...
"Our Mounted Patrol Officers are progressing well through the mounted patrol operations training, which is entering its ...
Metro Council is scheduled for a final vote Tuesday night on a controversial video surveillance system. The proposal opens the door for the Metro Nashville Police Department to reintroduce an ...
"Imagine having to go back to work and be like, 'The dog ate it,'" joked one commenter on the now-viral bodycam footage.
The situation reminds us that our choices impact wildlife. Wildlife officers step in after massive elk is found in dangerous situation at local beach: 'Various risks' first appeared on The Cool Down.
Law enforcement officials in Philadelphia are looking for a man who, police claim, damaged an intercom system for the parking ...
Sonoma residents reporting incidents of mail being stolen, checks washed after being being dropped into mailboxes outside the ...
In response to racist comments on social media and threatening phone calls, the Butterfly Effect Project is urging elected officials to make a public statement condemning these acts and is ...
City officials and law enforcement in Van Alstyne are preparing to break ground on a new public safety building.
During an attempted traffic stop, the driver hit two officers with an ATV. Both officers were hospitalized and one suffered ...
Oler spoke of multiple investments, which amount to a combined $400 million investment and will create 160 new full-time jobs ...
Oldham County Fiscal Court will hold a special meeting Tuesday to receive the initial recommendation from JKS Architects on a ...