The city's first modern light-rail system would run in dedicated lanes on city streets with priority at traffic signals.
VIA Rail, Canada’s national passenger rail service, launches a request for qualifications (RFQ) for its Dorval Hub Project.
Visitors can monitor the blooms in real time on the University of Washington's website. Peak bloom means 70% of the buds have ...
Seattle Mayor Bruce Harrell's proposal in late February to make the 117-year-old market "one of the greatest pedestrian ...
The massive demonstration marked the second anniversary of Greece’s worst rail disaster that has become ... “The full truth must come to light, and those responsible, no matter how high ...
Traffic Lab is a Seattle Times project that digs into the ... and has been described as “the third rail” for officials. But after the loneliness felt during the pandemic and the ...
This article will provide a brief overview of Redmond’s Link stations walkability and bikeability. It’s a followup to our ...
Five months after Seattle completed its three-year construction ... Improved bus stations — which will be similar to light rail stops, with up-to-date displays about arriving buses, security ...
SEATTLE – Henry Kim doesn’t always like ... and has been described as “the third rail” for officials. But after the loneliness felt during the pandemic and the reconsideration and ...
Mayor Bruce Harrell has issued an executive order “Supporting and Expediting Sound Transit 3 Investments in the City of Seattle” hoped to help speed construction of new light rail connections ...