Attorneys for former Auburn police Officer Jeffrey Nelson have appealed his convictions, claiming his trial was flawed and ...
Sgt. Kevin Thompson and Senior Police Officer Troy Daliet are two of at least nine DWI convictions of NOPD officers over the ...
At a press conference, emotional speeches from Donnie Young’s family pleaded for justice, with his daughter recalling her ...
A man who was convicted of killing a Denver officer in 2005 has applied for a program that could make him eligible for early ...
He not only shattered our family, he shattered the law enforcement community, and this was a crime against society,” widow ...
Former Antioch police officer Morteza Amiri will be held in custody in Alameda County while awaiting sentencing on two ...
The review did find about two-dozen examples of officers making derogatory, biased or racially-charged remarks to colleagues, ...
Ex-Antioch cop Morteza Amiri went before a judge this afternoon, to settle the question of whether he should be jailed now that he has been convicted of a violent crime.
Lt. Ryan Wilcox pleaded no contest to a misdemeanor embezzlement charge last week. The plea deal means he could keep his city pension.
Mikal Mahdi, convicted of murdering an Orangeburg police officer, is scheduled to die on April 11; he's among 26 people awaiting execution ...
A 37-year-old Arlington Heights man and convicted felon was arrested on drug charges in Palatine over the weekend, police ...
The family of a Denver police officer who was killed while working an off-duty job, is making a desperate plea to keep that ...