If the presidential address Tuesday proved anything, it proved that Democrats are now officially the party of relativism, not ...
Os Guinness, a visiting fellow at the Brookings Institution, explained how secular humanism and the Enlightenment’s attempt to replace faith with reason had failed. “They tried to replace God ...
theologian Os Guinness, journalist Douglas Murray, writer Rod Dreher, Bishop Robert Barron of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Winona-Rochester in Minnesota, and data scientist Stephen J Shaw.
But I did want to hear the likes of Os Guinness, Ayaan Hirshi Ali, and Niall Ferguson. It was my first exposure to Peterson, a Canadian psychologist with a global following who describes himself ...
In an era of rapid cultural shifts, Os Guinness – a renowned author and social critic – delivers a clarion call to the West: rediscover your roots, recognise the restraints that sustain civilisation, ...
Dr Jordan Peterson delivers a speech on today's moral question, and the panel features Os Guinness, Archbishop Angaelos, Johannes Hartl and Tsitsi Masiyiwa.
People such as Jordan Peterson, Douglas Murray, Ayan Hirsi Ali, Niall Ferguson, Os Guinness and Australians such as John Anderson, Chris Uhlmann and Greg Sheridan. All these people were speaking at ...
Data Recovery for Mac is worth a look, and it hones in on its core features well, but the overall execution feels sloppy.
"The opposite is true. It's belief in God ... that unleashes the spirit." Christian thinker Os Guinness also gave a rousing speech, reflecting on events since the first ARC, which took place just days ...
El nuevo primer ministro canadiense, Mark Carney, se reunió el lunes en París con el presidente francés Emmanuel Macron ...