The independent inquiry ordered by the Finocchiaro Government into NT Police recruitment will go back to August 2023.
Northern Territory Police Commissioner Michael Murphy has been stood down after an NT ICAC probe found he engaged in "incompetent" conduct by recruiting a close friend to a high-ranking police ...
The NT's corruption watchdog found a senior government executive acted improperly by helping a long-term friend apply for a high-level job, for which they were on the recruitment panel.
The Northern Territory's most senior cop, Police Commissioner Michael Murphy, has admitted he is the mystery senior bureaucrat at the centre of a damning ‘jobs for mates’ scandal exposed by ...
There is increasing pressure for the Northern Territory’s top police officer, Police Commissioner Michael Murphy, to resign today after admitting he was ICAC’s unnamed mystery bureaucrat.
NT Police’s pay packages are attracting plenty of interest abroad, with almost 50 Kiwis tossing their hat in the ring for a chance to join the force and move to the Territory. In November ...