The Board of Carroll County Commissioners will consider increasing fees to dump trash at the Northern Landfill in Westminster ...
Get ready for a change to your trash collection schedule, courtesy of Presidents' Day. The holiday, known as Washington's Birthday at the federal level, always takes place on the third Monday of ...
The Newport Bay Trash Interceptor will remove much of the floating trash and debris from the major waterway, officials said.
Like any good home, the pack rat nest has a bathroom-slash-trash area. In most places, these “middens” are gross and uninteresting—but in dry environments, the rat urine slowly crystallizes ...
JONESBORO, Ark. (KAIT) - Jonesboro residents may experience a delay in trash pickups. The Jonesboro Sanitation Department closed Wednesday, Feb. 19, due to street conditions, but that’s not the ...
He sank a couple of early buckets, and you could see he was warming up, not just his jumper but his trash talk too. One of the most memorable moments of the night came in the first quarter when ...
Her work, referencing the deep history of Aborigines whose shell middens date back 29,000 years, resonates with the site, a 93 million-year-old seabed which holds ancient marine fossils as well as ...
Mr. Clapp is a journalist and the author of “Waste Wars: The Wild Afterlife of Your Trash,” from which this essay is adapted. In the closing years of the Cold War, something strange started to ...
PONTIAC, MI -- The Oakland County Sheriff’s Office is asking for clothing donations for three children who were allegedly abandoned by their mother and found living in filth. Two girls, ages 12 ...
When police arrived on scene it was found the two parties were relatives and had a verbal disagreement regarding the trash can not being placed by the road. The two parties were advised to ...
Waves of trash that included cans, wrappers and neon green plastic cups for “hand grenade” drinks rippled out from the front of the truck as if before the bow of an ocean liner. With the sun rising, ...