Here at the Post Wanted, we curate plenty of gift guides to help you shop for your loved ones — whatever the occasion may be.
A man on Reddit complained that his wife insists on getting him gifts he simply doesn't want. "So I had a birthday two months ago. My wife asked for ideas for presents, so I gave her several.
V-Day is also unofficially National Romantic Bath Day—okay, I made that up, but your wife is going to love these soaks from ...
This Christmas, my dad offered to pay for a family holiday to mark a significant anniversary. My husband declined and Dad ...
"It's a Keurig coffee maker and a yeti. "Both gifts from my wife. I told her to give me the receipts so I could return them," he added. Seth Eisenberg, president and CEO of the Practical ...
In today's Miss Manners column, advice columnist Judith Martin responds to a husband who questions his decision to refuse to ...
Five years ago, I was invited to my cousin's wedding in Portland, Ore. There were no children allowed. We couldn't take our 2-year-old and didn't really have someone to care for her (I don't think ...
A wife was criticized after revealing that her husband spent his one day off putting together one of her Christmas gifts. In a TikTok ... decor and drop off my clothes at Salvation Army ...
I have two grown children who are doing well, both married, and one is expecting my first grandson. I’m a widow; their dad ...