Raising the share allegations is not to resolve them one way or another, but to throw mud on the cusp of an election in the hope people believe the worst.
You both spend hours arguing over whether ‘Part G’ even exists, and by the time you step back, sweating and exhausted, the whole thing looks slightly crooked, and one piece ... Maybe it’s an old ...
BENSONMEMBERS met in February back in our usual venue of Benson parish hall. We were very pleased to welcome our usual ...
Politicians and government employees are crooked and corrupt ... and from taking bribes into offshore bank accounts from our foreign enemies like China, the Mexican drug cartels and Iran ...
In addition to Jesus and his family, Gordon had a love for old cars, especially the ‘68 Chevelle that he worked at restoring with his son Jeff.
He worked in accounting at Irwin Union Bank in Columbus, and at Citizens Gas ... Jim was known for his corny jokes, good nature, generosity, and his love of whipped cream. Jim enjoyed sharing tales of ...
With his crooked smile and imposing demeanor ... Michael Mann’s debut film Thief begins with a thrilling sequence of professional bank robbers breaking into a safe. The group works with precision, ...
There's nothing like a good, old-fashioned knock-knock joke to make people laugh. Whether you want to cheer up a pal, impress ...