Trading stock options requires you to add a few new terms to your personal investing lexicon. Below are a few of the basic option terms that might be unfamiliar to rookies. For more information on ...
Here are some of the most common options terms and definitions. American-style options ... a call or put option would be at-the-money if the stock price and the strike price were the same.
If you're just beginning to learn about options, here is a great place ... and puts), whether you're looking for basic definitions of options terms or a little more detail on the whys and hows.
A call option is a contract that guarantees its owner the right to buy a certain number of shares of a stock at a particular strike price on or before a specific expiration date. A call option is ...
The terms of the options may require employees to wait a period of time for the options to vest. Furthermore, the employee could lose the options if they left the company before the stock options ...