Over the past two years, California has ramped up penalties on human sex trafficking through efforts spearheaded by ...
Shannon Grove has introduced legislation aimed at strengthening emergency response and preparedness efforts. Her office described the legislation as removing regulatory hurdles that exist in the ...
State Sen. Shannon Grove, R-Bakersfield, has proposed a solution to the challenges farmers face adjusting to a state overtime law that has raised their costs while effectively reducing their ...
State Senator Shannon Grove sent a letter to President Donald Trump Tuesday to visit Kern County. In her letter she called the county the "heart of the state's oil production and area vital to ...
Sen. Shannon Grove introduced Senate Bill 712, also known as “Leno’s Law,” last month. The bill seeks to fully exempt collector motor vehicles at least 35 model years or older from the ...
State Senator Shannon Grove (R-Bakersfield) announced the introduction of Senate Bill 712, also known as Leno’s Law, to remove unnecessary and burdensome smog check requirements for classic vehicles, ...
Republican California Senator Shannon Grove is authoring a bill that is backed by former late-night TV show host Jay Leno.