Note: 3% did not answer the question. Figures may not sum to 100% due to rounding. Explore charts about: Explore charts about: Search by region, state, or metro area Recommended citation: Pew Research ...
Metro security officials said that the technology serves more as a deterrent to prevent people from bringing weapons onto the transit system.
The bond would raise $20 billion to help build rail projects, roadway overpasses, electric-vehicle charging stations and non-motorized transportation projects such as ...
Los Angeles City Councilmember Imelda Padilla is the newest member of the LA Metro governing board, appointed to the 14-member board that oversees transit in all of Los ...
Weapons detection systems will be coming to more Metro stations and buses, but it's not clear exactly where yet.
LA Metro will close the Van Nuys Metro G Line Station for three years to begin construction of improvements to the station, which is part of Metro’s 18-mile bus rapid transit (BRT) line.
LOS ANGELES (CNS) -- Drivers should be wary as Metro and the Los Angeles Department of Transportation will begin issuing tickets Monday for vehicles parking along two of its bus-only lanes.