The first of 24 homeless patients are scheduled to move into the newest joint state-city homeless shelter of its kind focused on treating mental health, memory and brain injuries.
Open Shelter, the first free homeless shelter in Columbus, opened in November 1981 as a temporary solution to increasing homelessness. The shelter faced numerous obstacles throughout its history ...
Lewis County's new permanent night-by-night homeless shelter is just about ready to open. Final inspection of the interior of ...
A nonprofit created to operate the Multi Agency Center that will serve the city's homeless year-round was granted management ...
Our Brothers’ Keeper is raising $2.2 million to build a new homeless shelter in Big Rapids, with $700,000 sought from community donations.
A nonprofit that operates a day shelter for the homeless in Curtis Park has purchased ... CU Boulder alum aims to revolutionize sound design Business | One Tech Tip: Getting a lot of unwanted ...
Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Wichita City Council members have voted to approve an agreement with a non-profit group to ...