A north Belfast man allegedly sprayed “vile” race-hate graffiti on the side of a ... reported a man was spray-painting the side of their building with the phrase “N*****s not welcome ...
DOWNTOWN, LOS ANGELES (KABC) -- A pair of graffiti-covered skyscrapers have added a bit of unusual color to the downtown Los ...
Video showed flames burning through the roof of a graffiti-covered building, which the LAFD reported had been the scene of a previous fire. Firefighters arrived and found fire burning in two parts ...
With the stealth of an alley cat, the artist behind the message left their work for thousands to see and nary a clue to his ...
MIAMI (WSVN) - A Downtown Miami building that was covered in graffiti and cleaned up was once again defaced, angering city officials. The Vitas building is the topic of conversation once again ...
A Glasgow councillor has hit out at an ongoing "tit-for-tat" sectarian graffiti war on a city building. Councillor Johnny Carson spoke up 10 months after first noticing the worrying vandalism on the ...