Overall gold mining ETFs have performed well YTD, especially when compared to domestic equity markets. The SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust (SPY) is down 1.6%, but gold mining ETFs are up 18-19%.
Investors are piling into gold exchange-traded funds (ETFs) at the fastest pace in three years as the price of bullion hits a record high. See what stocks are receiving strong buy ratings from top ...
The gains came on the back of strong inflows into physically backed gold ETFs, which saw their largest weekly influx since March 2022. Citing WGC data, Reuters said gold ETFs attracted 52.4 metric ...
LONDON, Feb 24 (Reuters) - Physically backed gold exchange-traded funds (ETFs) registered the largest weekly inflow since March 2022 last week, data by the World Gold Council (WGC) showed on Monday.
You can either buy physical gold or put your money into gold ETFs. Gold ETFs are methods in finance that can be used to keep tabs on the price of gold. Usually, these funds are found on stock ...