The flood, when it came, came with no warning. A “catastrophic failure” of water pipes in the downstairs Kingsley Hall kitchen at Stone United Methodist Church, home of the Meadville Soup Kitchen, was ...
The City of Spartanburg is planning an event, likely in April, that will unveil the renaming of a section of South Forest ...
In his latest column, Gordon writes about the daily meal service at the Inn of the Good Shepherd, where food and community ...
MCALESTER, Okla. — Dream City Church in McAlester prides itself on helping those in need — whether it be through its bi-monthly soup kitchen, its clothing drives, or other charitable programs.
Nebo Baptist Church. “She supported the least of these ... who were hurting." The Soup Kitchen serves between 350 and 500 meals per day. It is open seven days a week, including holidays.
At St Columba’s Presbyterian Church in Parkview, an inspiring community initiative is bringing warmth and nourishment to ...