JoAnne Klimovich Harrop Tuesday, Jan. 23, 2024 3:31 p.m. | Tuesday, Jan. 23, 2024 3:31 p.m. Daniel G. Kamin built his own telescope when he was a teenager — he was fascinated with space.
Dozens of fourth graders were asked to imagine they were slaves Thursday as they packed themselves into a small gallery at the Carnegie Center for the Visual Arts in Decatur. Jessica Emrick, exhibit ...
The Carnegie Institute, Museum of Art records are another valuable archival collection at the Archives of American Art for establishing pre-Nazi era provenance for many European works of art and ...
The historic Carnegie Hall in Newport has reopened as a modern event center following a $2 million renovation.
DECATUR, Ala. (WAFF) - The Carnegie Visual Arts Center hosted its annual Carnegie Carnival on Saturday. The carnival is a Mardi Gras-style celebration, and it had a pet parade, movies, food trucks ...