The office of the Bursar / Tuition Billing provides financial services support to student, parents, faculty, staff, deans, department heads and administration. The office functions primarily as a the ...
My Financial Aid is more than my charges. Can it be applied to the next term? The Bursar’s Office will refund credit balances on your account as a result of an adjustment or overpayment of your ...
Go to the Graduate Appointment Submission Process (eForm 80) for instructions. Once the form is processed by the Bursar’s Office, the status of the form will change to read “Reviewed by Bursar”, so ...
add an Immigration Compliance Fee for $40 per semester or term Rates published by the Bursar’s Office are approved by the Board of Regents annually in accordance with the level of cash fund ...
Please see below for instructions on how to view PDFs on the web, followed by a list of forms used by the Office of the Bursar. Copies of these PDF forms should be copied, completed and forwarded to ...
Students can access the secure online billing 24/7 via the Workday student portal to view student account activity and electronic billing statements, make payments, and enroll in the monthly payment ...
This site for the 2018 commemoration of the Bursar's Office takeover is “frozen in time” as historical material. The website is no longer updated and links to external websites and some internal pages ...