GRAMBLING, La. (KNOE) - Grambling Police say the shelter in place order has been lifted following a gun incident on Grambling ...
The Hornets have a thrilling final minutes to defeat the Tigers. ASU is headed to the SWAC Men's Basketball Tournament ...
Three suspects caught on video in a shooting incident on Grambling State University's campus have been arrested.
With a crucial spring camp at hand, Mickey Joseph is making a significant addition to his second Grambling coaching staff. ...
CJ Hines had 15 points in Alabama State's 64-62 win against Grambling on Friday in the Southwestern Athletic Conference Tournament semifinals.
Eason 2-3 4-4 8, Flippin 7-10 2-2 18, Dozier 7-14 5-6 20, Edwards 0-1 0-0 0, Newton 0-0 0-0 0, Stevenson 2-15 4-4 9, Burnett 1-7 0-0 3, Hutchinson 1-5 2-2 4. Totals 20-55 17-18 62.
Thursday's contest had No. 4 JSU holding off a late rally by No. 5 Grambling State to claim a 57-47 victory at the 2025 Starry SWAC Women's Basketball Tournament at Gateway Center in Colege Park ...
According to the Lincoln Parish Journal, the Grambling State University Police Department has obtained arrest warrants for ...