Three people were rescued from a yacht that struck the Charleston jetties early Tuesday morning. The United States Coast ...
A yacht sank after striking a jetty in the Charleston Harbor. Three people were aboard at the time of the collision. The Harbor Pilots rescued them, uninjured.
The crew of the Pilot Launch Fort Moultrie rescued a nine-year-old girl and her parents from the Charleston Harbour after their yacht struck the north jetty. At 2 a.m. on Tuesday, the crew heard a ...
CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCIV) — A 58-foot yacht reportedly struck the Charleston jetties and began taking on water Tuesday, according to the United States Coast Guard. The three individuals aboard ...
For Luca Vrinceanu, a sophomore on the College of Charleston offshore sailing team, sailing is a lifeline to adventure.
CHARLESTON. We commend this question to the ... The Boston Transcript says: "The yacht Wanderer, which sailed from this port on Monday for Havana, it is understood will be offered for sale on ...
CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCBD) – Three people were rescued from a yacht that struck the Charleston jetties early Tuesday morning. The United States Coast Guard said it was alerted to a 58-foot vessel ...