How does "Black Bag" end? Read on for a recap of Black Bag including which of the agents is a mole behind the Severus leak.
The actor tells IndieWire about taking time off, and why spy roles in "Black Bag" and "The Agency" scratch the itch of the ...
Absolutely delicious, a svelte piece of entertainment that feels like a vintage yarn yet very much represents our own current ...
Steven Soderbergh talks about making 'Black Bag,' his ideas for a 'Contagion' sequel and why Donald Trump makes him hesitant ...
Not once but twice, as strategic bookends, director Steven Soderbergh’s sleek, droll guessing game “Black Bag” drops us into ...
This week, several new movies are coming to theaters with something for everyone to enjoy. If you’re not a huge fan of spy ...
Blanchett and Fassbender are very good indeed, as both seen-it-all secret agents and middle-aged spouses. Among the film’s ...
Is the new action comedy #NovocaineMovie a painless distraction? Are #CateBlanchett and #MichaelFassbender believable married ...